9020 Klagenfurt Reichenberger Straße 8
Raphael Forrer

Raphael Forrer

I was born in 1990 and grew up mostly in Styria. After graduating from the technical college (HTL), I decided to study theology. My studies began in Israel, then continued in Spokane and New Orleans. In the fall of 2019, I returned to Austria with my newlywed wife, Ellianna. Since then, I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor at the FEG. The Bible, God’s Word, excites me because I can encounter God through it.

If you’re ever looking for me, depending on the season, you’ll most likely find me either on the tennis court or skiing/snowboarding.

Raphael Forrer, Pastor


Raphael Forrer - 3. July 2022

Wenn Jesus betet (1)

In dieser Predigt betrachten wir den ersten Teil des Gebets von Jesus in Johannes 17. Die Themen, über die Jesus mit seinem Vater spricht sind heute noch genauso aktuell und wichtig wie damals.

Bibelstellen: Johannes 17:1-13


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