9020 Klagenfurt Reichenberger Straße 8
Raphael Forrer

Raphael Forrer

I was born in 1990 and grew up mostly in Styria. After graduating from the technical college (HTL), I decided to study theology. My studies began in Israel, then continued in Spokane and New Orleans. In the fall of 2019, I returned to Austria with my newlywed wife, Ellianna. Since then, I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor at the FEG. The Bible, God’s Word, excites me because I can encounter God through it.

If you’re ever looking for me, depending on the season, you’ll most likely find me either on the tennis court or skiing/snowboarding.

Raphael Forrer, Pastor


Karl-Helmuth Hippel - 21. November 2021

Dem lebendigen Gott begegnen

Gott begegnet dem Volk am Berg Sinai. Er zeigt seine Herrlichkeit. Der Autor des Hebräerbriefs vergleicht Berg Sinai mit Berg Zion.

Bibelstellen: 2. Mose 19:16-25, Hebräer 12:18-29


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