9020 Klagenfurt Reichenberger Straße 8
Nils Jansen

Nils Jansen

I was born in 1976 and have been living in beautiful Carinthia together with my wife since 2003. We have two amazing teenagers.

I am a passionate wood-construction engineer. Currently, I am planing and building small and big wood-construction projects throughout Austria.  Moreover, I am also energy advisor for the state of Carinthia.

Jesus’ Church, especially the picture of the body with the many members, fascinates me every day anew. Everybody has his place which only he can fill with his gifts and his personality. I am motivated to experience and see this lived out.

Nils Jansen, Elder


Karl-Helmuth Hippel - 14. June 2020

Jesus - darf ER sich bei mir vorstellen oder stelle ich ihn mir lieber selber vor?

Es zählt nicht, wie wir uns Jesus vorstellen, sondern wie er wirklich ist - und er war schon vor 2000 Jahren ganz anders, als sich viele den Messias vorgestellt hatten. Deswegen sollten wir statt auf eigene Vorstellungen auf das Wort vertrauen.

Bibelstellen: Markus 8:27-33, Psalmen 105:4, Markus 16:9-11, Markus 14:60-65


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